Accedi o registrati
Via Valle di Lazzaro, 103, 57037 Portoferraio LI, Italia, Portoferraio (LI)
Minumum bid € 2,000,000.00
Code A4318403
Lot Lotto unico
Hearing date 21/03/2025 ore 12:00
Time limit for to submit the offer 20/03/2025 time 12:00
Via Valle di Lazzaro, 103, 57037 Portoferraio LI, Italia, Portoferraio (LI)
Minumum bid € 2,000,000.00
Code A4318403
Lot Lotto unico
Hearing date 21/03/2025 ore 12:00
Time limit for to submit the offer 20/03/2025 time 12:00
1. Real Estate Assets Town: Portoferraio Address: Locality Valle di Lazzaro civic number 103 Category: residential and agricultural. Detailed description: The assets in question consist of a real estate complex that extends over an area of 7.3880 hectares, forming a single body, as well as an additional plot of land approximately 4890 square meters in size, located on the northeast side of the lot. The lands are characterized by terraces supported by ancient dry stone walls, sloping towards the Valle di Lazzaro stream, on a large part of which a vineyard has been planted. Within this area there are four distinct buildings of ancient construction, renovated between the years 2007 and 2010, in addition to a swimming pool and other amenities. One building is the farmer's main house, while two buildings are intended for accommodation purposes. Three independent residential units have been created, two of which have a capacity of 3 beds each, and one with a capacity of 2 beds. Another unit has been created for laundry and wardrobe services. The aforementioned real estate complex currently houses the Agricultural Company which specializes in viticulture and tourist accommodation. 2. Intangible Assets The agricultural company has registered 8 labels under the company's identifying brand "Lazarus" for the respective wines currently produced. These include 7 Elba DOC wines: Sangiovese Elba DOC; Vermentino Elba DOC; Ansonica Elba DOC; Procanico Elba DOC; Elba Bianco DOC; Rosato Elba DOC; Aleatico Passito Elba DOCG; and 1 IGT: Chardonnay IGT. 3. Movable Assets The movable assets are described in the attached inventory under the letter D. *Furniture and furnishings in the farmer's main house are excluded from the sale. The company is not part of the sale, and the direct takeover of the buyer into existing contracts is neither provided nor guaranteed.*
Via Valle di Lazzaro, 103, 57037 Portoferraio LI, Italia,
Portoferraio (LI)
Auction code
Lotto unico
Number of goods
Immobile commerciale
Estimated value
Fabbricati per attività agricole
1. Real Estate Assets Town: Portoferraio Address: Locality Valle di Lazzaro civic number 103 Category: residential and agricultural. Detailed description: The assets in question consist of a real estate complex that extends over an area of 7.3880 hectares, forming a single body, as well as an additional plot of land approximately 4890 square meters in size, located on the northeast side of the lot. The lands are characterized by terraces supported by ancient dry stone walls, sloping towards the Valle di Lazzaro stream, on a large part of which a vineyard has been planted. Within this area there are four distinct buildings of ancient construction, renovated between the years 2007 and 2010, in addition to a swimming pool and other amenities. One building is the farmer's main house, while two buildings are intended for accommodation purposes. Three independent residential units have been created, two of which have a capacity of 3 beds each, and one with a capacity of 2 beds. Another unit has been created for laundry and wardrobe services. The aforementioned real estate complex currently houses the Agricultural Company which specializes in viticulture and tourist accommodation. 2. Intangible Assets The agricultural company has registered 8 labels under the company's identifying brand "Lazarus" for the respective wines currently produced. These include 7 Elba DOC wines: Sangiovese Elba DOC; Vermentino Elba DOC; Ansonica Elba DOC; Procanico Elba DOC; Elba Bianco DOC; Rosato Elba DOC; Aleatico Passito Elba DOCG; and 1 IGT: Chardonnay IGT. 3. Movable Assets The movable assets are described in the attached inventory under the letter D. *Furniture and furnishings in the farmer's main house are excluded from the sale. The company is not part of the sale, and the direct takeover of the buyer into existing contracts is neither provided nor guaranteed.*
Via Valle di Lazzaro, 103, 57037 Portoferraio LI, Italia,
Portoferraio (LI)
Square Meters
Energy Certification
Cadastral Data
Hearing date
21/03/2025 ore 12:00
Type of sale
First-price sealed-bid auction
Sales method
Online auction at set time
Place of bid submission
Deadline for bid submission
20/03/2025 ore 12:00
Base price
€ 2,000,000.00
Minimum offer
€ 2,000,000.00
Minimum increase in case of competition
€ 10,000.00
Security deposit
10% del prezzo offerto
Security deposit
Marinai Gianmarco
Delegato alla vendita
Galletti Andrea
(Proceeds with the sales operations)
(Manages the visit of the asset)
Tel. 0565913063
Professionista delegato
Galletti Andrea
Tel. 0565 913063
Sales sheet COD. 4318403 - Published from 1/7/2025
This sales sheet fully reports information and documents officially received from the Ministry and the appointed professional.
Publication authorized by the competent Authority, any republication or reproduction, even partial, is prohibited
Notice: No compensation is due (neither for intermediation, nor for viewing the property, nor for receiving instructions on how to submit the offer, nor for any other reason), if you deal with people appointed by the Court (custodian, delegated professional, curator, company in charge of managing the sale). The advertisement relating to this real estate, sold by the Court in the indicated procedure, could be inserted on real estate portals, even by other subjects not appointed by the Court. If the interested party turns to these latter, they may be asked to pay expenses or mediation or consultancy fees.