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Località Mortaro, Baschi (TR)
Code A4313812
Lot 1
Hearing date 28/03/2025 ore 10:00
Time limit for to submit the offer 27/03/2025 time 12:00
Località Mortaro, Baschi (TR)
Code A4313812
Lot 1
Hearing date 28/03/2025 ore 10:00
Time limit for to submit the offer 27/03/2025 time 12:00
A) Full ownership of land, with an area of 3.71.00 hectares (mostly buildable with tourist-accommodation destination, as assessed by the appraisal) located in the Municipality of Baschi in Mortaro, with access partly from the right side of Provincial Road Mignattaro no. 93, near its junction with State Road Baschi Todi no.448, at Km 3 + 300 of the latter, and, for the remaining part, from a remnant of Cerreto road, originating from the aforementioned provincial road, identified at the Revenue Agency Provincial Office of Terni, Land Registry of the Municipality of Baschi at Sheet 44 parcels 37 and Sheet 45 parcels 43, 44, 50, and 65; B) Full ownership of enclosed land, located in the Municipality of Baschi, between Loc. Mortano and Loc. Pian degli Schiavi, with an area of 70 square meters, identified at the Revenue Agency Provincial Office of Terni, Land Registry of the Municipality of Baschi at Sheet 44 parcels 92 and 123. All the lands in the lot are within the delimitation perimeter of the Tiber River Fluvial Park, included among the sites of community interest and special protection zones, subject to landscape constraints pursuant to art. 142, paragraph 1, letter b) of Legislative Decree 22.01.2004 no. 42. Parcel 65 is further subject to hydrogeological constraint under R.D. 30.12.1923 no. 3267. Reference is made to the sales notice for the sales conditions, as well as to the Expert's appraisal for a detailed and accurate description of the assets, including their urban planning destination, and for the determination of the estimated price.
Località Mortaro,
Baschi (TR)
Auction code
Number of goods
Altra categoria
Estimated value
A) Full ownership of land, with an area of 3.71.00 hectares (mostly buildable with tourist-accommodation destination, as assessed by the appraisal) located in the Municipality of Baschi in Mortaro, with access partly from the right side of Provincial Road Mignattaro no. 93, near its junction with State Road Baschi Todi no.448, at Km 3 + 300 of the latter, and, for the remaining part, from a remnant of Cerreto road, originating from the aforementioned provincial road, identified at the Revenue Agency Provincial Office of Terni, Land Registry of the Municipality of Baschi at Sheet 44 parcels 37 and Sheet 45 parcels 43, 44, 50, and 65; B) Full ownership of enclosed land, located in the Municipality of Baschi, between Loc. Mortano and Loc. Pian degli Schiavi, with an area of 70 square meters, identified at the Revenue Agency Provincial Office of Terni, Land Registry of the Municipality of Baschi at Sheet 44 parcels 92 and 123. All the lands in the lot are within the delimitation perimeter of the Tiber River Fluvial Park, included among the sites of community interest and special protection zones, subject to landscape constraints pursuant to art. 142, paragraph 1, letter b) of Legislative Decree 22.01.2004 no. 42. Parcel 65 is further subject to hydrogeological constraint under R.D. 30.12.1923 no. 3267. Reference is made to the sales notice for the sales conditions, as well as to the Expert's appraisal for a detailed and accurate description of the assets, including their urban planning destination, and for the determination of the estimated price.
Località Mortaro,
Baschi (TR)
Square Meters
Energy Certification
Cadastral Data
Hearing date
28/03/2025 ore 10:00
Type of sale
First-price sealed-bid auction
Sales method
Online auction at set time
Place of bid submission
Deadline for bid submission
27/03/2025 ore 12:00
Base price
€ 490,000.00
Minimum offer
€ 367,500.00
Minimum increase in case of competition
€ 5,000.00
Security deposit
10% del prezzo offerto
Security deposit
Type of procedure
Liquidazione giudiziale(cci)
Procedure role
Grotteria francesca
Soggetto specializzato alla vendita
Aste giudiziarie inlinea spa
(Proceeds with the sales operations)
Curatore fallimentare
Caiello Monia
Sales sheet COD. 4313812 - Published from 1/27/2025
This sales sheet fully reports information and documents officially received from the Ministry and the appointed professional.
Publication authorized by the competent Authority, any republication or reproduction, even partial, is prohibited
Sale date | Base price |
14/01/2025 | € 490,000.00 |
28/03/2025 | € 490,000.00 |