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Hotels and guesthouses

73050 Salve LE, Italia, Salve (LE)

€ 950,000.00

Minumum bid € 712,500.00

Code A4308303

Lot Unico

Hearing date 31/10/2024 time 11:30

Time limit for to submit the offer 24/10/2024 time 12:00

Hotels and guesthouses

73050 Salve LE, Italia, Salve (LE)

€ 950,000.00

Minumum bid € 712,500.00

Code A4308303

Lot Unico

Hearing date 31/10/2024 time 11:30

Time limit for to submit the offer 24/10/2024 time 12:00

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This is an accommodation facility for camping activities located in Salve in the Marina di Pescoluse, in the "Borgino" area, with a capacity of 1000 daily guests, open year-round. It has the option to provide food and beverages to guests, their visitors, and those attending authorized events and conventions after obtaining approval from the relevant Local Health Authority.

73050 Salve LE, Italia, Salve (LE)

Auction code


Number of goods


Altra categoria

Estimated value

Alberghi e pensioni

This is a receptive structure, intended for camping, located in Salve in the Marina di Pescoluse, in the "Borgino" area, with a capacity of 1000 daily guests, open year-round, with the possibility, subject to obtaining opinions from the Local Health Authority, to serve food and drinks to the guests, their visitors, and those staying at the facility during authorized events and conferences. RECEPTIVE CAPACITY - Permitted hosting capacity: 1000 beds (Regional Government Resolution no. 9508 of 1/12/1986), with 168 spaces for independent overnight stays for vehicles and 44 pitches for campers without overnight vehicles; - 800 campers with independent overnight vehicles and 200 campers without independent overnight vehicles; - Permitted stable bungalows with C.E.S. no. 246/2000: 38 units; - Currently presumed hosting capacity in the 38 regularly permitted fixed bungalows: 73 beds; - Existing masonry structures for user accommodation: 4 rural buildings with permits (40 beds), 2 of which are excluded from the foreclosure procedure; - Tent camping capacity: 887 beds; - Existing buildings for campers' toilet facilities: 4. The final composition of the receptive complex, in accordance with that shown in the cadastral mappings, is as follows: 1. 4 Groups of toilet facilities, with attached central heating rooms and one also with a courtyard and storage room in the basement; 2. Reception/offices, with shaded areas in front; 3. Former representation/mini market and accessories/internet and info point/infirmary, with veranda and courtyard; 4. Kitchens/self-service and restaurant/warehouse/cells and storage rooms/games room, with shaded areas in front and on the side, and on the first floor a laboratory and pizza oven/water center, with courtyard; 5. Bar with storage on the ground floor and shaded area in front/dressing room and storage on the first floor; open-air theater; 6. 2 Existing recovered rural buildings for accommodation (located internally in Parcel 1, Subordinate 1 of Sheet 28, subject to foreclosure procedure); 2 other existing rural buildings of the "Liama" type (Sh. 27, Pt. 358) and "Paiara" (Sh. 27, Pt. 359), along with a masonry building (Sh. 28, Pt. 1199), all restored but not subject to the foreclosure procedure; 7. 2 Pools, one for children, with pool toilet facilities; 8. Pool storage room; 9. Former treatment plant, with storage room on the ground floor and underground tanks; 10. Enel electrical cabin; 11. 2 Concrete water tanks on the ground floor and 1 on the first floor; 12. Generator room; 13. 38 Bungalows (fixed units), housed in 21 buildings, with verandas and shaded areas in front, in seven different types: 6 of Type A, 26 of Type B, 2 of Type C, 2 of Type D, 2 of Type E, 1 isolated, plus a laundry storage room located below a Type E bungalow block; 14. Tennis court; 15. Soccer field; 16. Volleyball court; 17. GPL tanks; 18. Camping areas, with spaces and pitches for tents, trailers, bungalows; 19. Cave cavity (protected as a UCP, under art. 143, paragraph 1, letter e, of Legislative Decree no. 42/2004); 20. External parking area (Parcels 252 and 357 of Sheet 27).

73050 Salve LE, Italia, Salve (LE)





Square Meters

Energy Certification

Cadastral Data

Hearing date
31/10/2024 ore 11:30

Type of sale
First-price sealed-bid auction

Sales method
Online auction at set time

N.A. -

Place of bid submission

Deadline for bid submission
24/10/2024 ore 12:00

Base price
€ 950,000.00

Minimum offer
€ 712,500.00

Minimum increase in case of competition
€ 10,000.00

Security deposit
10% del prezzo offerto

Security deposit


Type of procedure
Esecuzione immobiliare post legge 80

Procedure role

Delegato alla vendita
Valentino Sabrina
(Proceeds with the sales operations)
(Manages the visit of the asset)

Cell. 3358145347
Tel. 0832316808

Sales sheet COD. 4308303 - Published from 7/25/2024

This sales sheet fully reports information and documents officially received from the Ministry and the appointed professional.

Notarized publication on Blockchain

Publication authorized by the competent Authority, any republication or reproduction, even partial, is prohibited

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Mappa geografica del bene

Storico delle vendite

Sale dateBase price
31/10/2024€ 950,000.00